
Characteristics of Japanese culture


Japanese culture

The wealth of a country has to do with its culture, so it is necessary that you know some features of the culture of Japan, we must know that culture is understood by a language, religion and various factors that we will present to you here.

General aspects of culture: Japan is a country located in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of China and Taiwan, which is made up of an archipelago of some 6,852 islands and in its limited area of ​​377,915 km2, its culture has an influence on China. although it has its own language and traditions.
Japanese culture is governed in terms of interpersonal relationships by the giri, a name given to the combination of duty, obligation and honor, which generates quite a contrast with respect to the individualistic tradition of the West.

Family situations are much more lax in matters related to morality or socially accepted conduct, but on the other hand, the relationship with hierarchical superiors or with strangers is extremely formal.

The origin of its name: Japan (Nippon/Nihon in Japanese, written 日本) is a term of Chinese origin, which translates to “origin of the sun.” In pictographic writing it is written using the symbols corresponding to “sun” and “root”, which is why it is also known as the country of the rising sun.

Language:Japanese is the ninth most spoken language in the world and encompasses a set of dialects similar to the Ryukyuan languages ​​(from the Ryukyu Islands in southern Japan), while its Japanese writing has three levels or modes: kanji, composed of pictograms of Chinese origin incorporated in the fifth century; and two syllabaries that are hiragana and katakana, created by Japan in the 9th century. For many, as long as you learn to use hiragana and katakana correctly, it is easy to get along with the language.

Gastronomy: Japanese food enjoys great popularity and such is the point of turning sushi (based on raw fish) into a typical dish at fast food fairs in the West, although like all food if you want to taste the true flavor of Its gastronomy is enough to walk through its streets or find a restaurant since the true Japanese gastronomy is complex and heir to an ancient culinary legacy, similar to China, in which rice and seafood have a predominant presence, in question of drinks, infusions and rice liquor or sake predominate.

Without a doubt, a country that has history, culture and that you have to explore each one of them.